I woke up to the headlines of an 8.8 earthquake in Chile. Wow. That is huge. There was the devastating earthquake in Haiti last month. Yesterday a large quake hit Okinawa, Japan - the same day a friend of mine was headed there. Then this massive earthquake in Chile with tsunami waves probably headed to Hawaii. My mind immediately went to the birth pangs the Lord spoke of while instructing us about what will occur before He returns. Besides telling us not to be mislead He also says, "See to it that you are not frightened..." - Matthew 24:6.
How do we keep from becoming frightened with these headlines that seem to be coming at us at break-neck speed?
I love Psalm 16:8. That whole passage there is one of my favorites...
"I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Beloved, we must set our minds on things above, on Him. He is our Rock, our Fortress.
The Vineyard
2 months ago