Saturday, January 23, 2010

Proud people... Humble people...3

Here are the final ten...

Proud people...                 Humble people...

21. want to be sure             21. once broken, don't
that no one finds out            care who knows or who
when they have sinned;        finds out; are willing to
their instinct is to                  be exposed because they
cover up                              have nothing to lose

22. have a hard time            22. are quick to admit
saying, "I was wrong;           failure and to seek
will you please forgive          forgiveness when necessary

23. tend to deal in                23. are able to acknowledge
generalities when                  specifics when confessing
confessing sin                       their sin

24. are concerned                24. are grieved over the
about the consequences        cause, the root of their
of their sin                            sin

25. are remorseful                 25. are truly repentant
over their sin, sorry                over their sin; forsake
they got found out                  their sin
or caught

26. wait for the other             26. take the initiative
to come and ask for-             to be reconciled when
giveness when there is            there is a misunderstanding
a misunderstanding or             or a conflict in relation-
conflict in the relation-            ships, no matter how wrong 
ship                                       the other may have been

27. compare themselves         27. compare themselves to
with others and feel                the holiness of God and
worthy of honor                     feel desperate for His mercy

28. are blind to their               28. walk in the light
true heart condition

29. don't think they have         29. realize they have
anything to repent of                need of a continual
                                               heart attitude of repentance

30. don't think they need         30. continually sense their
revival but are sure that            need for a fresh encounter
everyone else does                  with God and for a fresh
                                               filling of His Holy Spirit

And there we go, dear friends.  God says we are to humble ourselves. We should not wait for God to humble us.  We certainly have our work cut out, don't we?

"A truly humble man is sensible of his natural distance from God; of his dependence on Him; of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom."

1 comment:

Joseph Jacob said...

hI Kathy,
i came upon your site and its truly
refreshing. all you said was once i was and i've done everything i know to please my Savior.My wife has some
of what you wrote.she will never admit when she's wrong and never accept an advice from me.i love her to tell her the truth but no she'll just shoot back by turning a deaf ear
i'm lost and i need help. if you can please help