It was sure fun to see that on September 22, featured Karin's testimony. Alan Kurschner titled the entry - "Prewrath Story - Prewrath Twins." (Thanks Alan, now I know why my counter got so dizzy!)
I remember when the "light bulb" came on for me like it did for Karin. I too began seeing "prewrath" everywhere in scripture. The switch that triggered the light was an understanding of the day of the Lord. The truth that God's wrath, the Lord's coming, and the gathering of the saints are all tied to the day of the Lord.
The truth of God's word shows that the day of the Lord occurs after the man of lawlessness is revealed...2 Th. 2:1-4
The truth of God's word shows that believers are not destined for God's day of the Lord wrath but we are headed towards the greatest persecution yet to come upon God's elect...1 Th. 5:9, Matthew 24:21,21
The truth of God's word shows that the end of the age refers to the beginning of the day of the Lord...Matthew 24:29, Joel:2:31
The truth of God's word shows that the resurrection and rapture occur at the end of the age, at the Lord's coming...Matthew 24:31,1 Th. 4:16,17, John 6:40, 1 Cor. 15:22,23
When I come across words such as "wrath", "revealing", "last day", and "coming" in scripture, all these thoughts flash before my mind as the word "wrath" did for Karin when she saw it in Proverbs. (See comments section of her testimony.) Scripture is abundant with "prewrath references", or references that point to the return of Christ as having to do with the day of the Lord. And just like Karin, when the light bulb came on it lit a fire under me. That is what happens when a truth of scripture grips your mind and heart.
The marvelous result is that the Living and Abiding Word becomes incredibly rich and you experience what David experienced...the word of God is more desirable than the purest gold and is sweeter than the sweetest thing David could think of to eat...honey from the honey comb.
The Vineyard
3 months ago
Someone posted this link at the cave. I'd be interested to hear what you think about it.
Jim G.
Someone posted this link at the cave. I'd be interested to hear what you think about it.
Jim G.
Oops. Sorry for the double post.
Hey Jim, how are you?! I did take a look at the article. The one thing I tell people is that there is one specific thing for which Jesus tells us to watch, and that is the AofD. His instruction does not include looking for the signing of the covenant. Kristen has a Jewish friend who is now with the Lord. He told her that treaties are constantly being signed with Israel. He was a general or colonel (if I remember correctly) in the Israeli army. He believed that it is very likely and possible we won't even know when the covenant is signed. I don't put a lot of weight in the covenant because Jesus didn't. What will get me excited is if we see a temple or tabernacle of sorts go up in Israel and the sacrifices begun again. Have you read "The Sign?" Kristen's dad believed that it is very likely some of the feasts will be related to the end of Ds 70th Week. I know some are getting excited about this blood red moon that is supposed to occur in a few years. If we have seen a man set himself up as God in a rebuilt temple and then unprecedented, worldwide persecution against believers breaks out before this blood red moon occurs, then I suppose it is possible...but Jesus did tie the cosmic signs (which includes the sun going dark and the stars falling from the sky along with the moon turning to blood) with His return and He said no man knows the day or the hour except the Father. I tend to think this blood red moon that has a date attached to it will not be the same time the Lord returns for that very reason.
Your thoughts?
And hey, Kristen is headed my way for a visit in a week! Can hardly wait!
How's that little guy of yours doing? Good to hear from you Jim!
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