By now you know I have a twin. She wrote her prewrath testimony down and sent it to her pastor who is a preterist. She also sent it to me. I asked permission to post it on my blog and she said yes. Here it is...
"Three years ago I was visiting my sister in Washington and she told me about a view of eschatology that I had never heard of before. It was taught as an elective at her church. It's called the pre-wrath rapture view. If you take Scripture at face value it beautifully puts all things into place regarding end time prophecy. There are absolutely no discrepancies whatsoever. Once you see it - it's interwoven all throughout Scripture in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
It's not a pre-trib view or a post-trib view or even a mid-trib view. There is a literal rapture where believers are caught up to meet the Lord in the air at His second coming on the same day that God's wrath begins. This event is called The Day of the Lord and it happens at the opening of the 6th seal. Believers will be persecuted by the Anti-Christ, but are removed before God's wrath is poured out when the 7th seal is broken. One thing I learned in my study is that the Great Tribulation doesn't start until the Beast sets himself up in the temple. Never does it say that the tribulation starts when the first seal is broken. The seven churches in Revelation are all told to be over-comers. Taking Scripture at face value they are being told of the persecution that is to come and they are given instructions on what they need to do to over-come and endure till His return. The day that He comes will be like a thief in the night, but those who are prepared will know the signs (in the sun, moon, and stars) for His coming and they will look up for their redemption is near. Those who are not ready will shrink away in terrible fear.
Over the last several months I have done an in depth study looking all end time passages at face value recognizing there are some figures of speech, but I'm convinced that what I've learned is the truth of Scripture. I can read Revelation and it makes sense now, and it's beautiful. Once you realize the truth there is no doubt of what is going to occur, no fear whatsoever."
Karin is planting seeds like crazy now. I think it is great!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
awsome! its great once the pre-trib blinders are removed. its amazing to me though when you explain it to some people, some time goes by and they revert back to pre-trib. some people just are not capible of thinking on there own. it drives me nuts. im glad you get it!
Hi Sam,
It's been my experience that when I introduce prewrath I get two responses, great interest or straight out rejection. Those who show great interest for the most part have ended up embracing the position and then at a certain point, like my sister, the light bulb really comes one. She is seeing it everywhere in scripture. She even sent me Proverbs 11:4 just yesterday - "Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death." I am thankful for those who reject the position, at least they've been exposed to it. That seed has been planted. And some that I know who still reject it say they could be wrong... They are the ones who will see it very quickly I think if we find ourselves to be that generation that experiences the wrath of Satan via Antichrist. What bothers me are those who don't even want to discuss the issue...
Thanks for dropping in!
Always believing that "somehow" PreTrib was not Biblically foundational, I was blessed to find and read both The Sign and The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church. Like Karin, I checked "every" scripture in both books with scripture in THE BOOK - and like Karin, it all came together. Sadly, too many do not see the truth, but remain stuck in a web of deception that does not prepare the believer for what is to come. The Holy Spirit says - "Get Ready and Be Prepared."
Watchman, you were at least one step ahead of me. I believed pretrib hook, line, and sinker, because it was what I grew up with. Never really looked to see if it was actually I thankful to have had my eyes opened!
What is overlooked by all but prewrath believers is that nowhere in scripture is the whole of the 70th week of Daniel identified as "The Tribulation" or "Gods wrath". It is only when one sees the clear distinction made between the two and the scriptural timing of both that the true teaching of the catching away of the church and the first resurrection become clear. All three terms- Pre,mid,and post trib are invalid terms because they "assume" seven years of "tribulation" which the scripture does not support. Both pre-trib and post-trib completely ignore Matthew 24,21-22 which explicitly states that the Great Tribulation, which Christ indicated would be initiated by "The Abomination of Desolation" (which Daniel said would occur in the middle of the "week") would be "cut short". In context the shortening could only refer to the second half of the week. That leaves ample time for the wrath of God of Rev. 8 to be poured out, completing the events of the 70th week.
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