Saturday, January 22, 2011


Before the fall, Adam and Eve didn't experience pain but when they walked away from God's counsel they stepped into both emotional and physical pain and suffering.  The principle still remains, when we choose to sin and not heed the counsel of God, we end up suffering, often bringing others into it.  I don't know anyone who likes pain but the reality of life is that it is all around us and every human being on earth has experienced it, whether it be because of a sinful choice we have made, someone else has made, or simply because we live in a fallen world.

Jesus has endured the most pain of any human being.  The difference between us and Jesus however is that He experienced emotional and physical pain not because of any wrong doing on His part, but because of ours.  He experienced physical pain from the beatings and lashings and piercings when He went to the cross to shed His blood for our sin.  And because He became sin for us, He experienced the severest emotional pain anyone could endure - His Father turned His back on Him.

Do you have someone you love being with?  Do you have someone you know who loves being with you?  Jesus loved being with the Father and the Father loved being with the Son.  But the Father chose to forsake His Son.  He no longer could look at Him because His perfect Son became sin.

Imagine the one you love so much and you know who loves you so much no longer desiring to be with you.  How crushing would that be?  Jesus never stopped loving the Father, but for a moment, the Father stopped loving the Son and poured out His wrath on Him instead.

Why was Jesus willing to suffer in such an emotional and physical way?

Because of His great love for us...

I hope that leaves you stunned and then gives your heart flight.

All pain and suffering is going to come to an end because sin is going to be done away with.  In the meantime, there will be suffering and we will face trials.  There will be pain.

Here's a question we need to ask ourselves...what does pain, or trials produce in our lives?  Does it produce sin in our lives or does it produce a stronger faith and endurance?  If in trial after trial we begin to turn away from God, we need to question the genuineness of our faith.  But if in trial after trial our faith is strengthened, we can have assurance that we belong to the Lord because He has said that nothing will ever separate us from His love.  When He begins a good work in us, He brings it to completion.  I have seen affliction upon affliction in a person's life cause them to eventually walk away from the Lord and I have seen affliction upon affliction bring a joy and a trust and a sweetness of character into another's life.  Trials prove the quality of our faith.  Trials also put God's work of salvation on display.

When we don't remain steadfast under trial and pain, when we sin because of pain, physical or emotional, we have taken our eyes off the One who loved us so greatly.  The purpose of His suffering should give us strength and endurance in the trial.

May we never question the goodness of God even in the deepest pain.  May we always place the blame on suffering where it belongs, because of sin.  May we ever keep our eyes on Him and may we remember that the suffering we experience here cannot be compared to the glory that awaits us.   

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