Monday, January 31, 2011

Good Works Can't Save

If we were meant to earn salvation by our good works, the Lord would have told us what they should be, how many, and for how long.  We find no such formula in scripture.  When we try to earn God's favor, outside of Christ, our good works are like filthy rags to Him.  Our good works become trying to please God on our terms.  Attempting to earn forgiveness of sins through our righteousness, is showing hostility towards God because we are shunning God's provision for the forgiveness of our sins.  We are attempting to earn God's favor, our way.  When we turn from our sin and call on Him to clothe us in the righteousness of His Son, accepting His sacrifice for sin on our behalf, His death on the cross as payment for our sin, and that alone, our good works then become beautiful and pleasing to Him.

Let the Lord give you His righteousness, and then love Him with all your heart with your good works and kind deeds...this is well-pleasing in His sight and brings Him honor.

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