There's a pretty simple reason why I believe the rapture will not happen today. It's because both Jesus and Paul said we would see something occur first. Jesus pointed to the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Dan. 9:27) - we will see that, before He comes and gathers the elect. (Matthew 24:15-31 - What Jesus told His disciples, He was telling us, as well - Mt. 28:19,20.) And Paul said the man of lawlessness would be revealed, taking his seat in the temple, exalting himself as God, before Jesus comes and we are gathered to Him. (2 Th. 2:1-4) No man knows the day or the hour, just as Jesus said, (Mt. 24:36) but we also know that day or hour falls after a very important event - and we are also told that following the abomination of desolation the worst persecution ever against God's chosen will break out. But thankfully Jesus' return cuts this persecution off before all of God's chosen are killed - Mt. 24:22.
If you are wondering why I understand the elect in this passage to include the church, it is because Jesus is giving instruction to the founders of the church. In Mt. 23, He had just told His beloved Jerusalem that her house was being left desolate. Israel will see the Messiah again, but only after they have repented and say, "BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!" When Jesus moves into Mt. 24, He is now focused on instruction to His soon to be formed church. Also, in Mt. 24, Jesus is answering the disciple's question about the end of the age. Jesus told us He will be with us, all of His followers, until the end of the age - Mt. 28:19,20. His clear instruction in Mt. 24 is that the end of the age occurs when the great tribulation is cut short.
Beloved, be prepared to be the laughing stock of the world, and to be mocked at, when we speak of the Lord's return, and He is returning in judgment. Paul addresses that in the first chapter of 2 Th. He tells us that at the return of Christ, Jesus will repay with affliction, those who are being afflicted. Paul is speaking of the elect who are undergoing the great tribulation prior the Lord's coming. Jesus is coming with His angels in flaming fire, to deal out retribution to those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus - 2 Th. 1:6-10. The mocking and scoffing will just get worse as we get nearer to the return of Christ. Peter tells us that would happen. (2 Peter 3:3,4)
We are seeing the wars and rumors of wars, aren't we? And the earthquakes, and those who claim to be Christ. Let's keep our eyes on Jerusalem. We have the signs. Watch for the signs, then look for His return.
And by the way, just so you know, I stand with Israel...
The Vineyard
2 months ago
1 comment:
Thanks for posting about this. It's too bad that many people will be disenchanted with study of scripture. Or perhaps it will cause some to delve into it even more fervently.
Have fun and stay busy - Luke 19:13
-The Orange Mailman
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