Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Designed to be Revelation Receivers

Ok, so I have become a Paul Tripp fan. Love this quote of his from his book "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hand..."

Foolishness convinces us that we are ok, that our rebellious, irrational choices are right and best. Foolishness is a rejection of our basic nature as human beings. We were never created to be our own source of wisdom. We were designed to be revelation receivers, dependent on the truths God would teach us, and applying those truths to our lives. We were created to base our interpretations, choices, and behavior on his wisdom. Living outside of this will never work.

1 comment:

Kristen Wisen said...

Ooooh, I've got you hooked on yet another biblical counseling author! If you post every quote that inspires you from this book, you'll have a few years worth of blogs covered! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!