Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Sovereignty of God

In response to humanity's deepest, heartfelt questions, God sweetly speaks of His sovereignty. "Take heart, I am in complete control.  I am the definition of holiness and love.  All of my ways are right and true, all of my decisions are best, and I will not rest until my plan has been completed."

There is comfort in your moment of greatest mystery.  There is encouragement in your time of greatest confusion, and hope in your moment of greatest discouragement.  Your world is not a world of constant chaos controlled by impersonal forces.  Your destiny is not in your hands or in the hands of other people.  You are held in the hands of your heavenly Father, who rules everything!  You are a child of the King of Kings and you live under the shadow of his wing.  You are part of his plan.  That means that the exercise of his power and authority is for your blessing.

You and I can rest in the middle of deep and personal mysteries.  We can press on when little around us makes sense.  There is reason in the mystery and chaos, because behind it all stands the One in control of it all.

What does this mean for each of us?  It means peace when my brain is unable to put it all together.  A Christian's inner peace is never based on his ability to take the teachings of Scripture and figure it all out.  Our peace always rests on the presence, power, and character of the Lord.  Because he rules heaven and earth according to his wise plan, I need not live in anxiety and fear.  God's absolute sovereignty guarantees the fulfillment of each of his promises to every one of his children.  


Every time you love your enemy, you are resting in the sovereignty of God.  Every time you speak lovingly and softly in the face of someone else's anger, you are choosing to rest in the sovereignty of God.  Every time you resist the temptation to win an argument at all costs, you are resting in God's sovereignty.  Because he rules, nothing you do in obedience to him is ever futile - Paul David Tripp.

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