This is officially my one hundredth post to Overcomer! If you have not read my prewrath testimony, I would encourage you to click here. This will take you to my very first post and will explain why I changed from a pretribulational understanding of the gathering of the church to the prewrath position.
So why are there different views? Why is there confusion? Since the sum of God’s word is truth (Psalm 119:160) and it does not contradict itself, it is obvious that we come up with different views because the understanding is incomplete on our part!
I always accepted the pretrib position because it is what I grew up with. It’s been two and half years since I was challenged by a friend to become a Berean and do a study on my own. When I began comparing scripture with scripture it became very clear to me that I had to change my view.
If you are just beginning a study of your own, let me encourage you to begin with looking at all the day of the Lord passages - in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel, Amos, and Zephaniah all talk about the day of the Lord. Paul discusses it at length with the Thessalonians. An understanding regarding the day of the Lord is what made all things fall together for me. The confusion and the contradiction all melted away. Scripture is clear that true believers are not destined for God’s wrath which occurs during the day of the Lord.
We are never promised however deliverance from tribulation. Jesus said that in the world we would have tribulation. (John 16:33) I now clearly see that scripture teaches that the church will go through the great tribulation which Jesus called Satan’s wrath in Revelation 12:12. God’s wrath, the day of the Lord, and Satan’s wrath, the great tribulation, are two separate events. From Matthew’s account of the Olivet Discourse we learn that Jesus says His coming and gathering of the elect will cut short Satan’s wrath or the great tribulation. (Mt. 24:21-31)
As of this writing, Easter is just three days away. I was reading in John 21 this morning, the account where after His resurrection, the Lord told Peter by a breakfast fire by what kind of death he would glorify God. Peter looked over and saw John and asked the Lord by what sort of death John would die. The Lord’s words are startling, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
I see the Lord saying three things to Peter and by way of application to us as well:
“It’s My choice as to who will live until I come.”
“Don’t concern yourself about it.”
“Concern yourself with being faithful to Me until death or until I return.”
(An interesting note: Peter was told he would die. The Lord was clear that He would not be returning before Peter's death. Peter could not say His return was imminent. The Lord has given us signs for which to watch to know when His return and our gathering is near...Mt. 24, Mk. 13, Luke 21, 2 Th. 2.)
The Vineyard
2 months ago
Happy 100th post Kathy!
The idea of the seals beginning at the midpoint stems from the belief that Revelation operates on a 3 1/2 year timeline. I don't see the first half of Daniel's 70th week there, except perhaps the first seal, which of course is Ron Wallace's view. He and I are not far apart.
The first four seals seem to all be linked to the antichrist's authority. The question would be whether the antichrist conquers at the midpoint, or if he conquers at the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. If he conquers at the beginning, most likely this is when he subdues 3 kings according to Daniel 7. If he conquers at the midpoint, this would match up with the world's fascination with him which is intertwined with his ability to wage war. Who is like the beast and who is able to wage war against him? See Revelation 13:1-5 to show this is at the beginning of his 42 month reign.
I can see it both ways, but I prefer putting the first seal at the midpoint. But to me, the second, third, fourth, and fifth seal MUST be at the midpoint opened in rapid succession. They all clearly picture the antichrist's authority as the great tribulation begins.
Have fun and stay busy - Luke 19:13
-The Orange Mailman
(Marvelous blog! For your interest, I spied the following intriguing article on the web. Debbie)
Congratulations! You are now fulfilling the Bible which says "Come now, and let us repeat together."
Be sure to repeat what Walvoord, Lindsey, LaHaye, Ice etc. repeat what their own teachers repeat what their own teachers repeat etc. etc. etc.!
Repeat that Christ's return is imminent because we're told to "watch" (Matt. 24, 25) for it. So is the "day of God" (II Pet. 3:12) - which you admit is at least 1000 years ahead - also imminent because we're told to be "looking for" it?
Also repeat the pretrib myths about the "Jewish wedding stages" and "Jewish feasts" (where's your "church/Israel dichotomy" now?) even though Christ and Paul knew nothing about a "pretrib stage" and neither did any official theological creed or organized church before 1830!
You should read "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" on the "Powered by Christ Ministries" site to find out why you shouldn't repeat everything your pretrib teachers repeat.
Do I have to repeat this?
Thanks Darrin!
I've not considered that Revelation operates on a 3 1/2 year timeline. Intriguing. I've been leaning towards seals 2-5 being opened after the midpoint. Placing seal 1 there as well is a brand new consideration for me. And I've always looked at seal 3 as famine but you see it as the imposition of food restriction, lining up with the false prophet's declaration that no one can buy or sell w/o the mark. I see this as a possibility.
It is fun and can definitely keep one busy when trying to figure it all out!
Thanks for linking Overcomer at your blog...
Is that my Coeur d'Alene Debbie? Hi!
Thanks for the kind words. Say, that booklet should be arriving any day. Let me know what you think, ok?
It was so good seeing you guys!
Yay mom, your 100th post! I am on my 400th! LOL! :)
I'm glad you are a Berean mom! Seeing how much you study God's Word has really challenged and encouraged me to study more. I am in no way ready to have a debate with someone why the pretrib view is incorrect but the Bible does not teach pretrib in any way! I am studying and learning though and maybe one day I will bw like you.
I love you! :)
Sweet Annie,
Just be faithfully in the Word and let the Holy Spirit continue His work of grace in your life.
It's not really a debate I'm after, just to plant seeds of truth. If discussion arises, I love to share what I'm learning.
I love you too...
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