Jesus asked this question of His disciples just after he told them a parable in which He gave them instruction on how to pray. (Luke 18:7)
(I wrote another post on this passage of Scripture last year. To view that post click here.)
I do think the Lord will find faith on the earth when He returns, but I also think He is saying He won’t find much faith on the earth and here’s why…
In Matthew 24 we learn that prior to the Lord’s coming many are going to fall away from the faith (Mt. 24:10) during the period of great tribulation. (Mt. 24:21)
The reason I tie this falling away to the great tribulation is because of the word, “Therefore”, in verse 15. That word ties what is said previously to what is said after.
In my previous post I show that genuine saving faith, faith that is truly a work of God, is enduring faith. Enduring faith will not fail because of its Source and Sustainer. Those then that fall away during the great tribulation never were energized with God given faith. God completes every work in the heart that He begins. (Phil. 1:6)
In the parable of the soils Jesus says that the gospel that falls on rocky soil is one in whom the good news never takes firm root. It is at first received with joy but when affliction or persecution comes because of the word, this person, with no firm root, falls away. (Mt. 13:20,21) The church will manifest that it is full of hearts with rocky soil because when the great tribulation hits, many will fall away. I looked up the word “many” in my dictionary. Webster defines it as “more”, “most”, “numerous”. Also as “a large number.” I think it is safe to say “many” is probably over half. Wow…
Let’s say then that over half of those who claim to be Christ followers do fall away after Antichrist takes his seat in the temple and demands worship. These “tares” or “look-a-like” believers love their life more than the Lord. They never really truly loved the Lord or had genuine, saving, enduring faith. The true Christ followers on the other hand are being killed left and right. They did not love their life even when faced with death. When persecution comes because of the word, they hold fast to the word of their testimony. (Rev. 12:11)
Jesus said unless those days of great tribulation are cut short, no life would be saved, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. (Mt. 24:22) The slaughter is going to be great. Where will most of the faithful be found when Christ returns? With the Lord!
Paul tells the Thessalonians that God will bring with Him at Christ’s coming those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. This would include those slain for the word of their testimony during the great tribulation. All the dead in Christ will return with Christ and be joined with those who are alive and remain! What a gathering this is going to be!
Yes, there will be faith on the earth when the Son of Man returns, but I think most of it He will bring with Him when He comes…
The Vineyard
2 months ago