Jesus has warned us that there is coming a great storm before He returns. Some of His elect are going to be thrown into great tribulation. Mark records that some of His followers will be delivered up during this time. We are not to be anxious before about what we are to say. We are to say whatever is given to us in that hour because the Holy Spirit will be speaking through us.
Is it possible to experience peace during that time? Can we experience peace in the storms we face today? Can we experience full and complete peace?
The prophet Isaiah said that those whose minds are stayed on God will be kept in perfect peace, that is, full and complete peace, because they trust in God.
God is either the ALL-SATISFYING-TREASURE-OF-INFINITE-VALUE-AND-WORTH to us, our EVERLASTING ROCK, or something else is.
We are commanded to be anxious for nothing. If anxious thoughts arise within, haven’t we diminished our thoughts that He is our best joy and security? Haven’t we taken our eyes off the greatness of His person, His precepts, and His promises and stopped being satisfied in them? Aren’t we entertaining thoughts of placing our assurance in a different thing and treating it more valuable than God?
Whether you see storm clouds gathering up ahead or are in the midst of a tumult now, fix your mind upon Him. When the command was given to be anxious for nothing, we are told to pray, with thanksgiving...prayer is directing our thoughts to God and we are to be thankful in the midst of these thoughts as we make our requests known to God. What’s the promise when we do this? Peace will stand as a sentry before our hearts and minds…between us and the world’s commotion.
Think for a moment on these words of King David, “How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!”
God’s thoughts towards us are abundant and they never diminish!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
Thank you for your kind and timely words. I do take them to heart and find peace within the sovereign rule of my Savior. Dave leaves on Thursday morning for Liberia - just another opportunity to rest in His perfect peace!
I'm thanking the Lord for answered prayers. Dave and the team and you, dear friend, will remain in my thoughts before our Sovereign Lord!
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