Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Like Timothy, I have a rich spiritual heritage on my mother’s side. From my mother’s testimony, sincere faith dwelt in my great-grandmother. She was sought out by my mother’s high school friends for counsel and my great-grandmother would pass on to them the pure wisdom from above.

As a child I loved to sit under my mother’s teaching. She has faithfully served the Lord for over fifty years now. She’s been a VBS worker, Pioneer Girl’s leader, camp counselor, Pastor’s wife, and a Sunday school and women’s Bible study teacher.

My grandmother lived next door to us while I was growing up. This afforded many sleep over opportunities! After breakfast my grandparents expected anyone who ate at their breakfast table to join in the family devotions. I grew to love those times. After prayer I would often linger and talk to my grandmother about heaven. I’m sure my eyes sparkled when she mentioned the streets of gold. She told me how she looked forward to a perfect body no longer riddled with aches and pains. And I felt safe and secure because I would not have to worry about going through the tribulation. Jesus could come at any moment and we will be raptured prior to the rule, reign, and persecution of Antichrist.

Fast forward thirty-five years or so.

I now pray for my daughter and granddaughter. I love to talk of the things of the Lord with them. I have told them that they will have to endure persecution, if they meet one condition. Paul, Timothy’s spiritual father in the faith, told Timothy that indeed all who desire to live godly in Christ will be persecuted. (2 Ti. 3:12) Did you see that 100% word? All who desire to live godly will be persecuted. If we have not suffered some form of pressure for our faith, we probably have not made much of Christ. My daughter and granddaughter are also familiar with what Paul told the Roman believers. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will separate us from the love of Christ! In a list of what God’s elect will encounter Paul includes tribulation and persecution. (Romans 8:35) Just one verse prior to that Paul says that Jesus was raised from the dead. The Offering for our sins has gone up to God and God embraced the Offering and now the Offering intercedes for us. The moment we are gifted with faith we are placed in Christ. Will God ever stop embracing the Offering? NO! Therefore He will never stop embracing us and nothing can separate us!

I have also told my daughter and granddaughter that Jesus has given us signs for which to watch to know when His return and our gathering is near. The biggest sign is Antichrist exalting himself as God in a rebuilt temple. He is going to demand the worship of the world and then the greatest persecution ever to come upon Israel and God’s elect will occur. (Matthew 24, 2 Th. 2)

How thankful I am for such a rich spiritual heritage. I can’t wait to be reunited with my grandparents. They were rocks for me during some very difficult times in my life. I’ve never met my great-grandmother. Someday I will. My mother was at her bedside when she was ushered into heaven. She told me that just before she took her last breath her face lit up and the words “Jesus!” spilled from her lips - She finally came face to face with her Glorious Treasure!

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