I became a little excited when in my Bible reading the other day I came across a passage that mentions together the sovereignty of God in our salvation and an event that occurs at the coming of Christ, the resurrection of believers. (The sovereignty of God in our salvation and the blessed hope are two of my favorite subjects to study, and blog about!)
The passage is John 6:35-44.
In John 6:35 Jesus calls Himself the bread of life. This is the first of seven tremendous “I AM” statements.
In verse 37 Jesus emphasizes the sovereign will of God in the selection of those who come to Him for salvation. “All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.”
We see the security of the believer in verse 39. “…that of all (100% word!) that He has given Me I lose nothing…” “This is the will of Him who sent Me…” Those are wonderful words, aren’t they?! No one chosen will be lost! It’s God’s will and God’s will is ALWAYS ACCOMPLISHED!
Verse 40 emphasizes the human responsibility in salvation. “…everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him…” Although God is sovereign He works through faith. Man must believe in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God who alone offers the only way of salvation. However, even faith is a gift of God. (Rom. 12:3, Eph. 2:8,9) This makes salvation COMPLETELY the work of God, so no one can boast!
Remember our spiritual condition before salvation?…deadness…and dead men cannot understand God and neither do they seek God. Faith must come from God under those conditions. I agree with John MacArthur. “Intellectually harmonizing the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man is impossible humanly, but perfectly resolved in the infinite mind of God.”
Then Jesus says that those who believe in Him (God’s elect which He gifts to the Son) have everlasting life; “…and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.”
When is “the last day?”
Paul told the Corinthian believers that we will put on incorruption at the event of the Lord’s coming/parousia/presence. Chapter fifteen in his first letter to them is about the resurrection of Christ and of believers. Jesus is the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep, after that, those who are Christ’s at the event of His coming/presence – 1 Cor. 15:23.
In John 14:3 Jesus gives the magnificent promise that He is coming again and will receive us to Himself.
In Matthew 24:3 the disciples ask Jesus the sign of the event of His coming/presence and of the end of the age. Since the dead in Christ receive their resurrection bodies at the event of His coming/presence (1 Cor. 15:23) and Jesus said He will raise up all that the Father gives Him, the elect, on the last day (John 6:40), I do believe the last day is a reference to the end of the age.
What do we see in Matthew 24 as He gives instruction regarding His return?
1)The gathering of the elect…
2)which follows the sign of the end of the age/the last day…
3)which occurs at the event of the Lord’s coming/presence…
4)which follows immediately after the great tribulation…
5)which is said to be cut short for the sake of the elect!
Whew! That was a mouthful!
So, I do believe the resurrection occurs here when the elect are gathered at the event of the Lord’s coming which we see cutting short the persecution of Antichrist.
But I think what I will ponder on for awhile is the fact that we are a gift of the Father’s love to the Son and the Son receives and holds on to each love gift. What tremendous joy and wonder that brings my heart…I hope it does yours too!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
I just wanted to comment on how glad I am to see you posting regularly again. I enjoy your thoughts very much, especially on eschatology.
Have fun and stay busy - Luke 19:13
-The Orange Mailman
Thanks for your kind words Darrin, and for visiting...I trust you are rejoicing in the Lord!
Hi, Kathy,
Great post - I too enjoy your writing. I thought of you today during the sermon. Pastor Ken said another reason that God secures our salvation is because He knows the price paid for it. He used an illustration of a judge taking a condemned man from the electric chair, placing his own son in the chair and pulling the switch himself. That judge would never question if the price had been paid for the condemned man's offense. His son paid the price and he was part of the plan. I don't think I am doing it justice here (so you'll have to listen to it!) but it was powerful. Romans 8:31-34 - He did not spare His Son but delivered Him up for us all - God is the one who justifies. It was a great sermon and a great illustration. Why does He secure our salvation? He understands what it cost Him. Therefore nothing can separate us from His love! You're going to love it!
Keep writing!
I will listen to it tomorrow. I'm sure I will love it. That's a first...you telling me to keep writing! Thank you Kristen.
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