Sunday, February 3, 2008

TIMELINE OF DANIEL'S 70TH WEEK-Click on to View Larger


PWTribune said...

Interesting. Did you come to place the 2nd seal at the midpoint on your own, or did you base it on Ron Wallace's (or somebody else) thoughts? I see that it's a real possibility.


Kathy Hall said...

Hi Dave,

I do base it on Ron Wallace's thoughts.

Alf Cengia said...

I left this link to a Prewrath chart etc site at Joel's. I hasten to add that you've done a really good job with drawing your map. It has a certain Tolkien flavour to it. And I love Tolkien's maps of Middle Earth.
Prewrath and Endtimes Charts

Kathy Hall said...

That was very kind of you to do that at Joel's Mac. Thanks. Those maps look much more professional! When the 144,000 are sealed just after the 6th seal, I do see them as putting their faith in Messiah at that time. I don't have all the elements down but the one thing I keep coming back to as the truth in Scripture, where no Scriptures are compromised, is that the gathering of the elect in Mt. 24 is the gathering of the Church. It's "the end of the age factor" that is a real biggie for me. Thanks for dropping by.