This is a you tube video by John MacArthur on Islam and their eschatology that I think you would find very interesting. Here is a synopsis of what John says in the video:
The Muslims believe in Jesus, but it is not the same Jesus of the Bible. The Muslim Jesus is not God. He is only a man and a prophet. They believe Jesus never died (therefore not rising from the grave and providing atonement for sin) but ascended to heaven like Elijah did, without dying, and is with Allah. They believe Jesus is waiting for Allah to send Him back. When He returns, He is going to correct all the Christians who have misunderstood who He is. The Muslim Jesus will return and marry, have a family, and then die and be buried next to Mohammed.
In Islamic eschatology, according to their holy writings, there are three great signs of the end of history. Each of these signs is a man. The Mahdi is the first sign. Sometimes the Mahdi is called the Twelve Imam and Muslims believe the Mahdi is coming to slaughter all those who will not worship Allah. Either you convert to Islam or you will be killed. The Mahdi is going to have an army and He will go from nation to nation and kill all the infidels. They will carry black flags that will say "punishment" on them. (The Iranian army today carries black flags.) The Mahdi will lead the army of black flags, first to Israel, and slaughter all the Jews, and then he will establish his rule on the temple mount in Jerusalem. The Mahdi will make a peace agreement with the Jews and the West, for seven years. He will come riding on a white horse. When he arrives he will discover hidden scriptures near the Sea of Galilee that he will use to show the Jewish people and the Christians they were wrong. The Mahdi will be a Messianic figure. He will establish a new world order. He will destroy all who resist him. The Mahdi is a precise description of the Antichrist in Scripture. The Bible's Antichrist is the Muslim Mahdi. All the details match up perfectly. The Bible's Antichrist is Islam's savior.
The second sign or man is the prophet Jesus. The Mahdi is greater than Jesus, according to the Islamic holy writings. (Do you see it? If the Mahdi is greater than Jesus, then the Christians were wrong.) The Muslim Jesus comes back to assist the Mahdi. He comes back as a radical Muslim. Jesus will pray to the Mahdi and acknowledge him as his Lord. He will make a pilgrimage to Mecca and worship Allah. He will attempt to get Christians to reject their notion of the biblical Jesus and accept the real Jesus, who is nothing but a prophet and a man. He will establish world-wide Sharia law and will become the greatest Muslim evangelist. He will try to get Christians to affirm everywhere that the Jesus of the Bible is not the true Jesus. That Jesus didn't really die and rise again. That He wasn't God. He will point out how wrong we have been. The Muslim Jesus however, matches up perfectly with the false prophet in Revelation who aids the biblical Antichrist.
The third sign or person who will appear is the Dajjal. The Dajjal is the Antichrist according to the Muslims. They believe he is the great deceiver. They claim he will come to earth on a mule and that he is blind in one eye. They believe he is an infidel and a false miracle worker. They believe he claims to be Jesus, the Son of God. He claims to be deity. Our Jesus, the One we worship as the one true God, the One Who came, died, and rose again, Who atoned for our sin, is the Muslim Antichrist.
The biblical Antichrist is their redeemer, their savior, and our Jesus, is their Antichrist. It is a complete reversal of the truth, a satanic counterfeit. The Muslims believe their Jesus will destroy the biblical Jesus and set up Islam forever, but in truth, it is just the opposite. The one true God, Jesus Christ, will destroy Antichrist and the false prophet and will set up His kingdom and rule and reign forever. (2 Th. 2:8, Revelation 20:10)
The book of Daniel tells us that Antichrist is going to emerge from the old Roman Empire. Right now, the old Roman Empire is made up of almost all Muslim nations.
Jesus said false Christ's will appear before His return. (Mt. 24:5) We are not to be deceived or mislead. (Mt. 24:4) We need to know the biblical Jesus, the One true God and heed His warnings. (Mt. 24:4-31) Incredible times are coming. Jesus said that false Christ's and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, the elect. (Mt. 24:24) According to Revelation 13:13, the false prophet is going be able to call down fire from heaven. Those who do not love the truth and embrace the truth about the true Jesus, the biblical Jesus, we are told God is going to send upon them a deluding influence so they will believe what is false. (2 Th. 2:10,11) Is it that they will think the Muslim Jesus is the real Jesus? I don't know, but get in the Word, drench yourself in the truth, know the true Jesus and stand firm in His truth.
If you want to know why I believe the biblical Jesus is the true Jesus, one of the reasons is because so many things about His first coming where prophesied many, many years before they occurred, and they were fulfilled exactly as prophesied. It will be just the same with His return. The Bible was written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit hundreds of years before Islamic literature. God's Word is trustworthy. God's Word is true. Reality always matches up with the Bible.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all - Ephesians 4:4-6.
Further study shows that God is the Father in four relationships - of all men because He is their Creator, of the Lord Jesus Christ, of Israel, and of all who believe the biblical Jesus is the true God, who came, died for their sins, and rose again.
According to Jesus there will be plural false Christs - I'll end by asking you the same question John does in the video, who are you going to believe?
The Vineyard
2 months ago
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