Daniel 9:27 - "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."
At the beginning of Daniel's seventieth week, Antichrist will sign a covenant that involves Israel but halfway through he will stop the sacrifices that evidently this covenant allows to begin again. Did you know that in Israel, they are all ready to begin sacrificing again? Hmm... Check out this website...
Are there any other passages in scripture that parallel this act by Antichrist, giving further detail?
2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 - "Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come (the day of he Lord, when Christ comes and gathers His followers - see verses 1,2) unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God."
So not only will Antichrist stop the sacrifices, he will also set himself up as God.
Let's head back again to Matthew 24.
What are believers in Judea to do when they see this sign of Antichrist, that we are fast approaching the end of the age, by stopping the sacrifices and setting himself up as God? They are to flee. Why? Verse 21 tells us there will then be the greatest tribulation against believers to ever come upon the world. It will be worse than what happened to the Jewish people during the holocaust.
Who is this persecution against? The elect. Jesus says if those days of tribulation weren't cut short for the sake of the elect, no life would be saved. Since the persecution is against the elect, Jesus is saying that no elect life will be left if the great tribulation isn't cut short. Those who fall away from the faith, the look-a-likes, they will not be killed. They will be living in peace and safety along with those who never claimed to follow Christ. It will be those who are hated on account of the name of Christ who will be suffering persecution and death.
In Revelation 13:7, we are told that authority over every tribe, tongue, people, and nation is given to Antichrist. This persecution against the elect will spread over all the world.
In verse 25 Jesus warns His followers again, "Behold, I have told you in advance."
Jesus goes on to say that there will be those who say He is in the wilderness. He warned not to go out. Others will say He is in a building. Jesus warned not to believe them - Mt. 24:26.
Then Jesus describes His coming.
In verse 29 He says the natural lights will go out immediately after the great tribulation. Remember, He said in verse 21 the great tribulation will be cut short for the sake of the elect.
After the sign of the end of the age occurs, the natural lights going out and the world being plunged into darkness, all will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with great glory - v. 30. Jesus is not going to first appear in the wilderness or in a room to a small group. He is not going to just appear to true believers. All will see Him. The look-a-like followers will see Him and those who never claimed to be His followers will see Him.
In verse 31 we are told that His angels will be with Him.
With a great trumpet His angels will gather the elect. His coming is not going to be secret nor is it going to be silent.
Final part, next time...
The Vineyard
2 months ago
I always get chills reading about His return!
Don't you long for it Karin?
Tomorrow we'll tie all the passages together...
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