Sunday, June 27, 2010

Giving Thanks...

So I just looked at the website of C3.  That cross surely needed to come down!  But once again I am humbled that God chose me for salvation.  Thank you Lord that you have enabled me to see you as the one and only true God.  How lost in sin I would be if it weren't for your intervention in my life!


Kristen Wisen said...

Kathy - did you take a look at any of their bulletins? They are's a great example:

Kristen Wisen said...

And here's their inspiring statement of faith...

C3 is an inclusive spiritual community
connected by a sense of mystery and love that many call God.
Inclusive grace moves us to embrace all with unconditional
love and gracious acceptance, celebrating ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation.
We honor all spiritual paths, and celebrate the universal
truths such as peace and unity that all traditions point to.
Please join us as we strive for greater love and peace in the world
inspired by Jesus and social activists through the centuries who challenged the status quo.
Join us to be the change we wish to see in the world, respecting earth’s patterns,
and honoring wellness in its many forms.
We are a community of open mind and warm heart,
valuing the human journey, where all are encouraged
to honor their minds and unique spiritual path,
ask questions in good company,
and embrace the peace of inner wholeness.
We invite all to join us in this exciting
adventure of humanity.

Kathy Hall said...

Outrageous is an understatement...

As far as their statement of faith, so deceived...

Kathy Hall said...

One of my favorite quotes goes like this...

You know what happens when you have an open mind, don't you?

Your brains fall out...

(That's why the Word shuts the door on our minds!)