I found myself praying in earnest this morning these words from Jesus model prayer to His disciples.
There are some Christians I know that believe Americans should take up arms if our government becomes too oppressive. It does appear to be headed in that direction. I am not of that persuasion. It’s because my hope is not in human government.
I love my country. I get emotional when I hear certain patriotic songs being played. America has seen great blessing. Our founding fathers had a strong belief in God and in His providence and God has blessed us for that. We forged our constitution and laws based on biblical values. But I see His hand of blessing as being removed because we have now become a nation who cries for freedom from the rule of God in our lives.
No matter how much we love America, she is not going to last forever. Some of us could take up arms as the oppression mounts, but even if we could bring “the old America” back, she won’t last. I hope you don’t view me as unpatriotic when I say I don’t want America to last forever. I’m thankful to have been born an American and to have enjoyed the wonderful freedoms it means to be an American, but I long more for God’s kingdom, when His will on earth will always be done as it now is in heaven.
As I was praying I realized that to pray for God’s kingdom to come would mean that the events prior to God setting up His kingdom would have to unfold first. This means the escalation of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, the rise of false Christs, the love of many growing cold for God and for each other, families turning on families, the death of millions, perhaps tens of millions, maybe even hundreds of millions, because of the greatest persecution ever to come upon Israel and believers. The world is going to be turned upside for those who do not align themselves with the coming man of lawlessness. (Isn’t that an interesting title for Antichrist? He is going to have a total disregard for God’s laws.) I thought of the church and what she is going to have to face. But you know what; I was ok with it because God is going to use that time to evaluate the faith of those who claim to be Jesus’ followers, of those who claim to love righteousness. He is going to weed out the tares from the wheat. Those who are truly His but who are not living completely sold out for Him will have the dirt of this world removed. When Jesus returns, He will receive to Himself a purified and unstained bride.
So Lord, do come and set up your kingdom where righteousness will reign, where Your will is always done, and where Your name will always be honored!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
Hi Kathy,
I read your post and if I am very honest felt fear first....but then the calm of trusting God and believing His plan is best...but then fear peeked its head in again when you outlined what must unfold first...and then calm trust..with just a hint of that fluttery stomach feeling. Sigh...I'd like to banish that feeling all together.
Wondering how to protect my family, my kids...knowing ultimately that none of it is in my hands anyway....And so very grateful for that.
Peace in Jesus my friend!
Hi Beth,
It was Marv Rosenthal's book that I read first when I began studying prewrath. When I realized what he was saying and it was truth, I had the biggest knot in my stomach. I'd always thought we'd be whisked away before the bad stuff came. Not too much longer after that Kristen introduced herself. As we corresponded, she kept sending me her wisdom nuggets. One that has truly impacted me was when she said, "Ignorance produces fear, but with knowledge comes peace." Knowing now what is coming, knowing that God is in control of it all, knowing His warnings and instructions, has brought peace. Remember when Kristen said in Bible Study a couple of weeks back to look for God when we read our Bibles? As you do that, that peace just continues to grow. He keeps in perfect peace those who's minds are stayed on Him. Fill up with Him and you fill up with peace!
Love from Kathy
You are up awfully late for Michigan time by the way!
One more thought for you Beth. For those who actually see the abomination of desolation, instead of producing fear, it should produce in us an awe at the veracity of God's Word. What He said would happen is happening...that should just excite us all the more that all His promises are true! My thoughts go to Romans 8...We overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us, and, nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God!
The other thing that would excite me about seeing the AofD is knowing then that the Lord's return is less than 3 1/2 years away!
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