Sunday, July 7, 2013

Empowered by the Spirit to be Courageous

Mars Hill Sermon Highlights
Empowered by the Spirit to be Courageous
Text: Acts 3:11-26

Link to synopsis and message -

Review from last week -

The healed get the gladness.
Who the Lord works through, the gratitude.
Jesus, the glory.

1.  Jesus is the Suffering Servant.

Jesus service for us included His death.  Jesus left the luxury of heaven, to serve.

2.  Jesus is the Holy and Righteous One.

There is none like Jesus.  He is in a category by Himself.  He is pure, sinless, spotless.  There is Jesus, and then everyone else.

Jesus is our holiness and righteousness.

We work from Jesus' righteousness, not for our own.

3.  Jesus is the Author of Life.

4.  Jesus is the Object of our Faith.

Religion - you save yourself
A Christian - saved by Jesus

Faith doesn't save you.  The object of your faith saves you - Jesus.

5.  Jesus is the Fulfillment of Prophecy.

The Bible is about Jesus and for us.

6.  Jesus is the Christ.

He is the Anointed One, our Savior.

7.  Jesus is the Prophet like Moses.

8.  Jesus is the Off-spring of Abraham.


Our faith is to be public.  Someone went public for you.  Be prepared to share your faith.  Study!

Ministry opportunities are many, prepared people are few.

Don't wait for courage to speak.  Speak, and then the courage will come.

The love of Jesus takes you as you are, but doesn't let you remain that way!


"I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of Your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and exult in You;  I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."  Psalm 9:1,2

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