Monday, March 5, 2012

The Burden Lifter

I'm sure you've experienced it - the weight of sin.

Sin is burdensome.

Sin is weighty on the heart and the unseared conscience.

Sin separates us from God.
The habitual pattern of sin and rebellion marks the unbeliever.
Sin veils the light of Jesus in the child of God's life.
Sin stops producing the fruit of the Spirit.
Sin removes fellowship with the Father and the Son
and grieves the Holy Spirit.
Sin mars our testimony to a world who needs Jesus.

We have two options when we feel the weight and guilt of sin.

Ignore it and continue down the same path.

In choosing this path,
we gradually cripple and can eventually destroy our conscience -
 the valuable internal governor of right and wrong,
of good and evil,
which our Creator placed within us.  

The outcome,
a seared conscience and a hard heart.


We can turn to Jesus, our Creator,

The Burden Lifter.

The Prince of Peace.

We can confess and put off the sin, renew our minds in the Word,
and choose to walk in the path of 
righteousness and obedience.

Choosing love and obedience to The Burden Lifter
brings The Burden Lifter's 
sweet peace in the heart and a pure, clear conscience,
and the light of Jesus shines in us once again.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous 
to forgive our sins and to cleanse us 
from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:9

"For this is the love of God, 
that we keep His commandments;
and His commandments are not burdensome."
1 John 5:3

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