Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Potpourri

I'm cleaning up my desk area and came across these words that I'd scribbled down on a blank 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.  I can't remember the source or what prompted me to write them down, but thought I'd pass them on to you:

As Christ is formed in us, we will experience greater and greater grief over sin - our sin and the sins of others.  This enables us to identify with the grief and sorrow Jesus has over our sin.  It makes His sacrifice for us, and it makes Him, more precious to us.

Totally different topic (yet somewhat related) - I was reading in John 13 this morning.  This is the chapter of the account of Jesus washing the disciples' feet, before He went to the cross.  He was leaving an example to us of how His possession (that's us) is to be occupied while we watch for His return - doing as He did when He was here on earth - serving others, humbly, sacrificially.   

(We are His possession.  We are His!  How comforting, how reassuring.)

This is a picture of who I spend my time with on Wednesday nights - It was Tacky Tourist night, a couple of months back, at Awana.  Looking forward to getting back at it...we've had the last three weeks off.

I hope you are excited about the new year, and new opportunities perhaps to get involved in the body of Christ, serving Him - loving Him, as a response to His great gift of salvation for us, as a response to His sacrifice, so we could belong to Him! 

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