On the twelfth, Daniel turned two and a half, and he's all boy. He loves garbage trucks and fire engines. He loves excavators and steam trains. He even knows the difference between a steam engine and a diesel electric locomotive. He loves to wrestle, and he loves jumping into a pillow on my lap while I'm sitting on the couch. He also loves bugs and spiders.
Three or four mornings a week I have Daniel while Annie serves coffee at Starbucks to sleepy-eyed Gig Harborites on their way to work. I drive over to the Dannells and enjoy some quiet time with the Lord, waiting for him to wake up. Once he is awake I take him into the back bathroom where his potty chair awaits him. For the past couple of weeks, there has been a spider living in the corner above the bathroom door. Daniel has been checking every morning to see if the spider is still there. (I think it is dead, because it never moved.) This morning, it was gone. His eyes got real wide. I asked him where he thought the spider went. He said, "Grandma's." (Oh, I hope not.) I got him dressed and into his car seat for the ten minute ride back to "Grandma's." In those ten minutes, I sing to him - we look for big trucks, and we talk about all kinds of things. We talk about school buses. He loves school buses and we see a lot of school buses picking up children for school. We talk about the moon. It is still dark sometimes and I tell him that Jesus made the moon. I point out the beautiful evergreen trees that Jesus made. We talk about the misty fog that Jesus made, and the pink clouds that Jesus made, and the noisy crows that greet us - we talk about all the birds that Jesus made. I tell him that Jesus loves him and the Bible tells us that and the Bible is all about Jesus. As I was pulling him out of his car seat this morning, I decided to just say the word "Jesus," to see what his response would be. He said, "Jesus made the spiders." He still had that spider on his mind...
Jesus is the Creator. He spoke and effortlessly, there was light. He spoke again and effortlessly, there were the heavens. He spoke again, and the waters gathered to their places, the oceans and the seas. He spoke again and effortlessly, the dry land appeared. The earth sprouted plants and flowers and fruit trees, all different kinds of vegetation. Jesus spoke again and effortlessly, the sun and the moon and the twinkling stars appeared. Then the sea creatures appeared, and the birds, and all the animals and creeping things, including spiders. Then God spoke and said, "Let Us make man in Our image," and Jesus made man from the dust of the earth - finishing off His beautiful creation, effortlessly, in six days.
But soon man fell by not listening to the counsel of the Creator, and Jesus' good creation was plunged into sin. Mankind needed a Savior.
Somewhere during creation week, Jesus spoke, and the angels were created. And He created the angel that two thousand years ago spoke these words to a group of frightened shepherds,
"Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
The One Who created the heavens and the earth and all the good things in them had just joined the human race as an infant. The One Who thought up oxygen would now breathe it in through a pair of tiny lungs after spending nine months being wonderfully knit in the womb of one of His creations.
The Creator, came to be our Savior. The Creator came, to redeem lost and sinful mankind. And He would thirty-some years later, go to a cross on behalf of a sinful world, made from the wood He'd created, and pay for the penalty for sin.
Truly, amazing.
"Yes, Daniel, Jesus made the spiders. He made you and He made me. Jesus is God, He loves you, and He is amazing."
Wishing all my friends a blessed Christmas, and take every opportunity you get to pour Jesus into the little ones in your life. We can't save them. That is up to the Creator. But we can point them to the Savior - it's our calling, and a lot of fun...
The Vineyard
2 months ago
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