No condemnation, for those in Christ Jesus, because God's wrath was poured out on the sinless flesh of Jesus
Set free from death to life
Requirement of the Law, perfection, fulfilled in us, through Jesus
Given a spiritual mindset, that pleases the Lord
Promise of resurrection - eternal life for our mortal bodies
Indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Empowering us to live lives that are pleasing to the Lord)
Led by the Spirit
Adopted as God's children
Heirs of God
Fellows heirs with Christ
A coming glory that will be revealed to us that will make our sufferings now seem like nothing
Spirit's help with our weak prayers
Spirit intercedes for us according to God's will
God causes everything to work for our benefit
We will be completely transformed into the image of Christ someday - it's guaranteed through His foreknowledge of us, His predestination of us, His calling us, His justifying us, His glorifying us.
From God's perspective, we are already in our glorified state. It is a done deal in His mind.
Because God is for us, NO ONE can be against stopping this from happening
When God declares someone righteous, it can't be undone - no one can bring a charge against us so that our declaration of a right standing before God can be reversed
Jesus is interceding for us
Nothing will ever, ever stop Jesus from loving us, or separate us from His love. Nothing.
We overwhelming conquer any tribulation, any distress, any persecution, any famine, any peril, any sword - because of His love.
So many blessings but do you see the recurring theme blessing, that builds from verse one? We cannot lose our salvation!
These blessings are ours because of what Jesus did at the cross. Let's take this right standing, this love poured out on us, this security, and respond today with hearts filled with praise and lives that walk in joyful obedience. Love on your husband, share Christ with that co-worker, pray for that friend, get that project accomplished that brings blessing to your family, read that chapter in your Bible and then take some time to meditate on it...what could you stop doing, and then start doing in its place? Remember that the doing of good things doesn't earn God's favor, Jesus did that for us. The doing of good things is out of love for what Jesus did and continues to do for us!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
So important for me to always remember that I am obeying out of love and not fear of losing my salvation. How much easier the sacrifice is!
Hi Lil lo, thanks for stopping by Overcomer. How thankful I am that we are secure! Ephesians 1 and 2 and 1 Peter 1 are more chapters regarding this magnificent truth. We are seated in the heavenlies with Jesus, our position sealed by the Holy Spirit. We are protected by the power of God through His gift of faith. May we go all out for Him, because of His great love for us.
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