Friday, January 22, 2010

Proud people... Humble people...2

Proverbs 51:17 tells us that God will not despise a broken and a contrite heart.  This infers that God does despise a heart that is unsubdued and lifted high and a heart that has no pain or sorrow over sins and offenses against Him.  To see what happens when pride goes unchecked, read the book of Malachi.  Israel had stopped fearing God and where the fear of God ceases, pride steps in as well as a disregard for God's instruction.  The Israelites were bringing sick and lame animals to sacrifice and the priests were condoning it by accepting them!  The Israelites were dealing treacherously with their wives, divorcing them and then marrying pagan wives.  Pride cripples and destroys marriages.  Why do marriages fall apart today?  Because one or both parties become prideful, arrogant, and self-centered.  They stop putting the other first.  Take a look at the comparison list for today and from yesterday.  If you are in a troubled marriage or know someone who is, the problems began when one spouse moved from the right side of the list to the left side of the list.  Where there is trouble in marriage there is always a presence of pride.  Where there is trouble in any relationship, there is always a presence of pride.  Pride that is left undealt with will result in God's judgment as well as His refining fire.  Daily, we need to go before the Lord, with a broken and contrite heart over our sinfulness.  This is pleasing and acceptable to Him.

Proud people...                                Humble people...

11. have a drive to be                       11.  have a sense of their own
recognized and appreciated               unworthiness; are thrilled that God
                                                         would use them at all

12. are wounded when others            12. are eager for others
are promoted and they are over-        to get the credit and rejoice when
looked                                              others are lifted up

13. have a subconscious feeling          13. have a heart attitude that
that says, "This organization is             says, "I don't deserve to have
privileged to have me and my              any part in this work"; know
gifts"; think of what they can do           that they have nothing to offer
for God                                              God except what He enables
                                                          them to do
14. feel confident in how much            14. are humbled by how very
they know                                           much they have to learn

15. are self-conscious                         15. are not concerned with self
                                                          at all

16. keep others at arms' length            16. are will to risk getting close
                                                           to others and to take risks
                                                           of loving intimately

17. are quick to blame others              17. accept personal responsibility
                                                           and can see where they are
                                                           wrong in a situation

18. are unapproachable or                  18. receive criticism with a
or defensive when criticized                  humble, open spirit

19. are overly concerned with              19. are concerned with being
what others think; work to pro-            real; what matters to them is
tect their own image and                       not what others think but what
reputation                                             God knows; are willing to risk
                                                            their own reputation

20. find it difficult to share                    20. are willing to be open
their spiritual needs with others            and transparent with others as
                                                           God directs

(As an aside...some of you know my friend Marion.  She was taken to the hospital this morning with possible congestive heart failure.  She had by-pass surgery on her heart just a year and a half ago.  She is younger than I am. I don't know how serious it is yet.  I will find out this afternoon when I go see her. Please be in prayer that she is resting in the Lord's peace.)


Kristen Wisen said...

Praying for Marion - please let me know what is happening with her!

Okay, so how prideful is it to try to find myself on the humble list?

Wow - great post, Kathy. No wonder God opposed the proud but lifts up the humble. When I looked at the list and felt my face flush with embarrassment at my failure, God reminded me that it was for my sin He sent His Son. Every once in a while it is good to be reminded that we are not perfect - it makes us grateful for the cross all the more...

GloryBabies3 said...

Oh no! Please let Marion know that I am praying for her here in Michigan.
Kristen, you crack me up...I read the list so hoping I'd find myself on the right column too.

Laurie Beltran del Rio said...

In all honesty, friends, not only do I join you there, I was even categorizing those I feel belong on the other side of the list.....

Truth is...I am not even good enough to read through the sad, when what I really want is to BE on the humble list.

Kathy Hall said...

This has been a good exercise...hang on to your hat though, you'll get ten more tomorrow.

Marion should be fine. I spent three hours with her today. She'd been fighting a virus and fluid had built up in her lungs. She began having trouble breathing so her husband took her to the hospital at 3am this morning. She's been on an antibiotic and hopefully will be able to go home tomorrow. Thanks for praying...