Thursday, January 21, 2010

Proud people... Humble people...

At the ladies Bible study at my church we are going through Nancy Leigh DeMoss's & Tim Grissom's book, "Seeking Him."  We are told in Psalm 51:17 that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; and that God will not despise a broken and contrite heart.  In the book the authors list out thirty characteristics of a proud person contrasted with a humble person.  Below are the first ten.  I'll give you the next ten tomorrow and the final ten on Saturday.  We were instructed to ask God to show us which characteristics of a proud heart are true of us.  It was a beneficial exercise, and rather convicting...

Proud people...              Humble people...
1. focus on                      1. are overwhelmed with a sense
the failure of others          of their own spiritual need

2. have a critical,              2. are compassionate; can forgive
fault-finding spirit;             much because they know how much
look at everyone else's      they have been forgiven
faults with a microscope
but their own through
a telescope.

3. are self-righteous;         3. esteem all others as better
look down on others         than themselves

4. have an independent,    4. have a dependent spirit;
self-sufficient spirit            recognize their need for others

5. have to prove               5. are not argumentative
they are right

6. claim rights; have a       6. yield their rights; have a
demanding spirit               meek spirit

7. are self-protective        7. are self-denying
of their time, their rights,
and their reputation

8. desire to be served       8. are motivated to serve others

9. desire to make a           9. are motivated to be faithful
name for themselves         and to make others a success

10. desire self-                  10. desire to promote others


GloryBabies3 said...

Oh Kathy...a timely reminder. That was a great study. By the way...the new blog look is really fun and makes me smile!
Have a great day friend,

Kathy Hall said...

Our gals are really enjoying it Beth. A reminder we could probably use daily???

We have had hardly a winter here. Soon we'll be seeing the crocus's come up. I thought I would go ahead and redecorate for spring. Glad I could bring a little cheer your way!