I learned that Jason and Sharon and all the Wordsower people, and the children are safe. Thankful for that. It is heart-breaking to see the devastation, heart-wrenching to see all the streets lined with those who died. Why do these things happen? Why is there suffering? Why is there death and such ugly death at times? Scripture tells us it is because of sin. Some who died probably were believers. For them it turned out to be the best day of their lives for they gained the very literal presence of Christ. For unbelievers, those who never embraced the truth, who never repented and turned to Christ for salvation from their sin, they will now endure the wrath of God, away from His comfort and presence, for the rest of eternity. There are no second chances after death.
The news is now reporting that people have moved from shock to anger, complaining that relief help is slow in coming. Some have taken to the streets and are looting. There are worries of diseases breaking out because of the dead. How would I respond if such a catastrophic event were to occur where I live? If I had to watch a loved one endure suffering and pain because no help was available? If I had to endure suffering and pain? Does this mean God does not care? That God's hands have been tied? That He is not in control? His Word tells me He is very much in control. He knows when a sparrow falls. He knows every detail of my life, of your life. The righteous do suffer along with the wicked but God has not stepped down from His sovereign throne. His love for us hasn't stopped when we suffer or when we see suffering. We are to continue to trust Him.
My thoughts go to the return of Christ as I was watch the news reports on Haiti. He told us these types of disasters will occur and increase in magnitude before He returns. He compared these signs to birth pains in Matthew 24. It is probably just a matter of time before "The Big One" hits my densely populated area. I'm not right in town but I live just twelve miles from Tacoma, a major metropolis. Twelve miles in the opposite direction is a major earthquake fault. All my family live in Southern California. An earthquake disaster of epic proportions there is said to be not a matter of "if" it will happen, but "when" it happens.
Another type of earthquake is looming on the horizon. An economic earthquake. From what I am reading, we are one to five years away from hyper inflation and a deep depression that won't even compare to the Great Depression of the 1930's. Every report I read says it is going to happen. It's not an "if" matter, but a "when" matter.
The biggest test of the believer's faith, even bigger than a devastating earthquake or a failed economy where food will be scarce or unaffordable, is still yet to come. Amidst the natural disasters, wars and rumors of war, and famine, a man is going to demand worship of the world. Those who align with and bow to this man will be able to buy food, but in so doing will deny Christ. They will keep their physical lives for the time being, but sudden destruction will come upon them and they will suffer God's wrath for the rest of eternity. The Lord tells us that many in the church, professing Christians, are going to fall away and align with this man. Most who do not fall away and remain faithful to Christ will lose their life. Are you ready for such a test? Are you ready to lose your life for the sake of Christ? This is one of the requirements He makes of His followers.
Now is the time to be preparing. We'll never have success in the crisis if we don't have success in the process. Are you spending daily time in His word? There is where we find our strength. There is where we see that He is in complete control right now, during what is yet to come, and for all eternity!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
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