Sunday, October 21, 2012

Paul - An Example of Maintaining Joy While Suffering

Joy and suffering are close friends in the New Testament.  Paul suffered greatly and Paul never lost his joy - his God-given delight in the Person, People, and Purposes of God. He never lost his joy because of physical suffering, unfair circumstances, persecution, or friendly fire.  Paul chose joy.  He was imprisoned for years, for a crime for which he was not guilty. He looked at prison as a mission field. He saw that his suffering served a purpose - it encouraged other believers to be bold for Christ.  Paul's passion was Christ and the gospel, this was his joy. We have much to learn from Paul about suffering and being joyful. It's not about our circumstances. It is about delighting in Jesus, His people, and His purposes, no matter what our circumstances. Our source of joy is confidence in three things. In what God has done - taken us as an enemy, saved us, and placed us into His kingdom. Confidence in what God is doing - transforming us into the likeness of Jesus. Confidence in what God will do - Jesus is returning and will wipe away all tears and sorrows.  

Joy and suffering are friends – a truth that unbelievers will not understand, but every believer needs to understand and embrace.

When our desire for comfort eclipses our desire to see the gospel go forward, we lose our joy.

We shine most brightly and our faith is most real when we maintain our God-given joy - proclaiming the gospel, while under suffering.

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