This morning, on my way to Annie's to get Daniel, the moon was shining through the clouds. You couldn't see it, but you could tell it was there. It made me think of the burden I have that Christians know and understand the truths regarding the Lord's return. He never told us His return could happen at any moment. I cannot find a passage anywhere which clearly states this. You will find passages however which clearly state certain things must take place first before He returns.
I can remember as a child, and even just up to a few years ago, when I saw sun rays shining through brilliant, white, puffy, marshmallowy clouds, I would just stare at those clouds, yearning with all my heart for the Lord to appear right then and there. I would pray, "Lord, come right now!" I would imagine Him suddenly before me and then sweeping me up to Himself. In Acts 1:10 we find the disciples gazing into heaven, probably much like I would gaze at those clouds. They had just witnessed the Father taking Jesus back up into heaven where a cloud received Him out of their sight. Two angels ask them why they are standing there gazing up into heaven. The angels tell them that Jesus will come in the same manner that they saw Him go into heaven.
There is much more recorded in Scripture regarding the Lord's return.
It tells us in Mark 13 that He will come with His angels, sending them forth to gather from the earth and the sky His chosen. (Paul said the Lord would bring with Him, those who had fallen asleep in Jesus.)
How can it be said then that this is the gathering back to the land, of Israel, on foot?
From Revelation 1:7 we know that every eye will see Him when He comes in the clouds. Mt. 24:30,31 says that when He appears and gathers the elect, all the tribes of the earth will see Him and mourn.
How can it be said then to be a secret rapture?
In 2 Thessalonians 2 it tells us that before He comes and gathers us, a man is going to come on the scene, displaying himself as God in the temple, opposing every so called god or object of worship. That passage also tells us he will amaze the world with power given to him by Satan, doing great signs and wonders. Watchful followers of Christ will totally get where his power comes from and will know exactly who he really is. For those who don't love the truth, the true God will send a deluding influence on them. They will fall for this self-exalting, false god's schemes and give themselves over to him. Then, from Revelation 12 and 13 and Matthew 24, we know this man is going to go on a world wide killing spree before the Lord returns, requiring the blood of those who do not worship him. Watchful followers of Jesus will see many who called themselves believers fall away from the faith. Family members will turn on family members before the Lord returns. It cannot be overstated that it is going to get really really ugly for those who name the name of Christ, before He returns. Jesus said that if He didn't cut this killing spree short with His return, all of His chosen ones would perish.
How can it be said then that the church will escape the great tribulation?
Praise God that it can be said that through Him we will be overcomers, even in death! Praise God that it can be said that through Him, we overwhelmingly conquer!
So now, when I see those brilliant clouds, I no longer expect Him to appear and sweep me out of this sin-encrusted world. I know certain things will occur first, and I want you to know them too, if you don't already. But don't just take my word for it. Get busy, dig into the Word, study it, and see it for yourself.
The Vineyard
2 months ago
I really like your post Mrs. Hall. I wonder some of the same things you do, yet nobody can answer them from the Bible! I am so thankful that I grew up in a church that preached the Bible without apology and literally!! Thank you for this post, I really enjoyed reading it today!!
Max, I just watched the video of your baptism. Warmed my heart to see all of you taking that step of obedience. I am thankful to know you are in a church that will continue to give you the Word without apology (and literally!) I know you will grow from it as you take your part in actively pursuing the Lord and loving Him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Sure would have loved to hear you read your testimony!)
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