Monday, May 28, 2012

Take Time to Remember

From the Desk of Pastor Al Ferguson

It could not have been a year, could it?  How did time pass by so quickly, so unnoticed?  Memorial Day? How many other things have taken priority in my life to where I just lost track of time?  Have I become so focused on the immediate that I lost track of... many other things?  What else am I neglecting?  Are they unimportant, insignificant, irrelevant?  If they were important surely I would have at least paid attention to them.  Wouldn't I?  I would have set them as a priority, determined a course of action, evaluated my progress and achieved my goal.  Surely that's what I would have done if they were important, right?

There are several days set on our calendars to remind us of special events, days set aside for a specific purpose.  Memorial Day is a day when we remember the sacrifice of those who have served to preserve the liberties and freedoms we enjoy daily.  It's a time to reflect upon what we often take for granted unless we have experienced, first hand, someone who did not return or returned injured and changed for life.  So to those who have served and are serving - Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Take a little time to say thank you to a veteran or a service member you know.

However, there is a day which needs to permeate every moment we are given the grace to draw our next breath.  Sadly, we often forget.  How many times have we gone through the statements or thoughts or excuses in the first paragraph with Him who gave all that we might have life eternally?  If in our busyness or neglect we have failed to remember Jesus Christ as our all in all, may this be the day that we rededicate ourselves to walking in a manner worthy of our calling.  May we daily come to Him who endured the cross that we could be reconciled unto God and, in thanksgiving, remember.

In the quiet of the morning,
As I kneel to seek Your face,
There's no greater earthly pleasure,
Than the warmth of Your embrace.

As I look into the sunrise,
Wondering what this day will be,
I will cherish every moment,
No matter what it holds for me.

For I know that You are with me,
And that You love me like a son,
You have straightened all my pathways,
Oh, may Your will in me be done.

As I grow in grace and knowledge,
And I draw closer, Lord, to Thee,
May my life shine through the darkness,
A piercing light that points to Thee.


I am thankful for my pastors.  They love the Lord and lift Jesus high each Sunday.  A pastor labors hard at his calling, to teach and preach, to reprove, rebuke, and exhort, so that we are growing in grace and being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.  My pastors do this faithfully each week.  Pray for your leadership, often.  Pray for their protection from what Satan will throw at them.  Pray for their wisdom as they lead and prioritize.  Pray for their strength and endurance.  Just as you and I are searching out and tearing down the strongholds and idols in our hearts, they are as well.  They not only lead the church of Jesus Christ, but also have responsibilities of leadership in the home.  Obey them and be in submission to them.  This is our calling, our duty, our obligation.  We image Jesus when we do and it is for our protection, blessing, joy, and for their joy as well.  When our pastors see us walking in the truth that they are preaching and teaching, how encouraging that must be to them...

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