Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Only in Alaska

For the past ten years, on Memorial Day, our church family gathers together for a bar-b-q at the home of one of our families.  This year we were rained out.  We were going to celebrate Ben and Mai’s marriage with our church family at the bar-b-q.  We ended up moving the informal reception to our church.  We had a great time together.  Ben told everyone how they met, which was while they were both working in Alaska two summers ago.  The conversation drifted to telling fun stories about each of our experiences in Alaska.  About half who came had been there.  My favorite story was by Ben.  As he drove up to his cabin one day after work he saw a dark trash bag sitting in the middle of the front yard.  He wondered who on earth would leave a trash bag there.  All of a sudden the tied off ends wiggled and then the trash bag stood up.  It was a moose.  Later that evening, after dinner, he was at the sink doing dishes.  He looked up and directly in front of him, in the window, that very same moose stood staring at him. 

It sure is fun having you home, Ben.  Your father and I are rejoicing in the goodness of God in bringing Mai to Himself and in giving you such a sweet wife.  We love you both very much!

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