...for God is already there.
I saw this very biblical quote on a friend's refrigerator yesterday. It set my thoughts on the sovereignty of God. Then this morning, as I was reading my Bible, I came across these words in Genesis that the Lord spoke to Abram, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great." Later on in the same conversation, the Lord tells Abram he will be buried at "a good old age."
We are prone to fear, aren't we? We get our minds on our circumstances and forget that God is big, sovereign, in control of absolutely everything, working out His plan. We forget that He has written a story, from beginning to end, and He is there throughout, working to bring this story to His end. For every one of us, He has our days numbered. He had Abraham's days numbered. He planned the day we would be born. He knows what will happen to us all the days in between, up until the day we die. He knows how we will die, or if we will be alive at His return. He hasn't stopped being good when bad things happen to us, and they will. He is so big and awesome He uses the evil in this world for good purposes. He is in absolute command of it. We shouldn't fear whether or not we will have something to eat tomorrow. We shouldn't fear what the economy might do, or that we could lose our jobs, our homes, our loved ones, or even our very own lives. If He wants us to have a full stomach and be warmly clothed, we will have a full stomach and be warmly clothed. If it is His plan for us to go hungry and cold, He will provide the ability even then to be content, and joyful, in Him. He has told us that before He returns, some of us will be delivered over to tribulation, and will be killed. We will be hated because we identify ourselves with Christ. Darkness hates light and when unrestrained, will do everything to extinguish it. We shouldn't fear what people can do to us. God will be there with us.
Abraham didn't have the written Word. He had the blessing of the very God of the universe speaking directly to him. "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great." You are going to live to be a really old man. And he did. What God says will happen will come to pass. We have the blessing of the full revelation of His Word. The full testimony of Himself. The full record of His faithfulness from generation to generation. Ignorance breeds fear, but with knowledge comes peace. We are commanded to be bankrupt when it comes to worry and anxiety. There is no reason to fear our circumstances or to fear what tomorrow may bring. We have the end of the story. We triumph. We are overcomers and we overcome, through Him, because He has written it into the story. When you find yourself heading down the path of fear and worry, set your thoughts on Him. Begin a prayer of thanksgiving for His sovereignty over all things. Get into His Word, and be reminded of just how big of a God He really is.
Do not fear tomorrow, for God is already there.
The Vineyard
2 months ago
Thanks Mrs. Hall. I needed this reminder. :)
You know what Dane, Mrs. Wisen's post "Confidence Without Effort" got me to thinking. Peace with God is completely Christ's doing. Having the peace of God takes effort on our part. By being in the Word, learning about God's character, spending time with Him, seeking His face...It doesn't just happen because we wish for it...
Oh so true! I find that when I become lax in my pursuit of Him, my thought life and attitude suffers greatly.
Love this post, Kathy. Love the quote from the fridge, as well. I have to ask, was this on Marion's fridge? If not, you need to type it up and give it to her as well! I was talking with Beth the other night about Marion and our visit - what a blessing that week was for us. And Marion is such a little spit-fire of a doll! How is she doing?
Different friend's frig. Ben and Mai are house sitting for her and I stopped by to drop their mail off to them and saw it. I did see Marion yesterday. Her frig is out in her living room! She is painting and wallpapering her kitchen. She is doing great, and is still a spit-fire of a doll.
OOOOOF! I needed that too. Great post, Kathy.
Have fun and stay busy - Luke 19:13
-The Orange Mailman
"He hasn't stopped being good when bad things happen to us."
I want to make this into a fridge magnet!
Thanks for the new fridge post (yup! it's up there). It's a very timely thing with Dane heading off to college. I have a propensity to worry and am constantly having to turn that over to God (and He's constantly proving Himself faithful.) Thanks for being an encourager/teacher for Dane over the years, too :o)
Hi Jen,
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 16:8,9a - "I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices."
Enlarging our view of God, what a wonderful spiritual discipline. It takes effort but oh, the joy and blessings we reap when we put forth the effort!
And the body of Christ, how good the Lord is to give us each other, where we remind and encourage each other in those spiritual disciplines and in the goodness and provision of the Lord.
Dane is such a nice boy. And we know behind every good boy...
Behind every good boy...IS AN AMAZING MUM!!!! :D
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