...it's a Person
...it convicts the heart of sin
...it molds into Christlikeness
...it's the sum of God's Word
...Pilate questioned it
...the Lord abounds in it
...the Lord is to be served in it
...we are to walk in it
...all the paths of the Lord are it
...it preserves us
...we are to pray that God would send it out
...the Lord desires it in our innermost being
...it is to be praised
...it is everlasting
...we are to bind it around our necks
...we are to write it on the tablet of our hearts
...those who speak it will be established forever
...it preserves rulers
...it is to be sought for
...God is to be worshiped in it, according to what He has revealed about Himself with it
...God seeks it on the earth
...we are to love it
...it is constantly attacked but can never be destroyed
...the unrighteous suppress it
...it is considered intolerant
...if we spent more time seeking it, we would sin less
...it produces faith, freedom, and inexpressible joy
...It walked on the Emmaus Road causing two hearts to burn because it is bigger, way bigger than us
...when the Holy Spirit illumines your mind with it, your heart can feel like it is going to explode
The Vineyard
2 months ago
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