Sorry it's been awhile since I posted. I think I have been battling the plain, old flu. Started out with a sore throat on Thursday and then a cough developed. I spent most of the day on the couch. Felt much better Friday. Saturday was fine. Sunday I stayed home from church because of my cough, then that evening a fever hit and I felt like I'd been run over by a truck! Yesterday I was back on the couch again for most of the day. Read some, napped mostly, and watched a Tom Selleck Western. Today is Tuesday. I am up. I have to be because it is a Daniel day. So far so good!
The biggest news for our family since I last posted is that my son is now married. A small ceremony took place on a beach in Viet Nam on Monday. Mai Huong is not only my spiritual daughter, she is now also my daughter-in-law! What a tremendous joy and blessing! As soon as Ben sends pictures I will post a couple. They rented traditional Vietnamese wedding attire so I can't wait to receive the pictures!
One last thing for you. I love the word chosen. I am chosen, by God. If you are a follower of Christ you are chosen, you are chosen by God to be a royal priest, a holy nation, to be God's very own possession. We are told in scripture that everything belongs to God. "The earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it." - Psalm 24:1. But God's chosen are His in a very special sense. He wants to spend eternity with His chosen. I had no merit that would make Him want to choose me, to want to spend eternity with me. It was simply because He loved me. There is a reason why He chooses, why He makes royal priests, why He has called out a holy, set apart nation, and why He makes His chosen His own, special possession. It's so that we can proclaim His excellencies. So we can make His glories known. (1 Peter 2:9) That is our calling as His chosen. Salvation is so much more than being saved from the horrors of eternal punishment. It's all about making much of Him with our lives! Tell someone today why God is so amazing. Do something kind for your husband. Pray for someone you know who is hurting. Call them and tell them you love them. There are so many opportunities in our day to exalt and magnify the Lord. But, I am plum tuckered out now and Daniel just went down for his morning nap so I'm going to go back and lay down on the couch, and I'm going to give thanks for all the wonderful blessings it means to be His chosen.
Such a wonderful word!
The Vineyard
2 months ago
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