"Ascribe greatness to our God!
The Rock!
His work is perfect,
For all His ways are just;
A God of faithfulness and without injustice,
Righteous and upright is He."
Deuteronomy 32:3b, 4
An excerpt from the song of Moses...
Ascribe - attribute to; regard as belonging to; to credit or assign as to a cause or source
Greatness - distinguished; a state of superiority; being higher in degree or importance
God - the Creator and Ruler of the universe
Rock - someone (or something) that is extremely strong, reliable, immoveable.
Work - activity involving effort (mental or physical) in order to achieve a purpose or result or to accomplish something
Perfect - as good as it is possible to be; completely free from faults or defects; no mistakes or flaws; without blemish
All - whole, entire, total amount
Ways - manner, modes, how someone does something
Just - treating people in a way that is morally right; guided by truth, reason, fairness; honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions
Faithfulness - keeping your promises; strict or thorough in the performance of a duty; true to one's word, promises, vows; steady
Without - in the absence of
Injustice - lack of fairness, unfair treatment or action
Righteous - morally right, virtuous; upright; without guilt or sin
Upright - strictly honorable, or honest unchanging standards, correctness
Jesus, You are the Creator and Ruler of the universe and are higher in degree and importance than anyone or anything else. You are extremely strong and reliable and immoveable. (No one comes close to Your power and strength and ability to protect!) All the activities in which You engage, everything You accomplish - is completely free of faults and defects and is as good as it is possible to be. The total amount of how You do things is guided by truth, reason, fairness. You are always honorable and fair in Your dealings and actions. (You deal with all sin honestly and fairly and you dealt with my sin by paying the price I should have paid!) You always keep Your promises. You are true to Your word and always do what You say You will do. With You there is no unfairness. You are without guilt or sin and Your standards are honest and unchanging.
What a great and mighty and wonderful God we love and serve and worship, who loves and cares for us!
This blog was inspired by
this blog. The defining method of study is a great way to spend time in the Word. It will enlarge your view of God and in turn enlarge your heart towards Him. He is worthy of our thoughts and our obedience and our praise!